Saturday, January 24, 2009

How Can I Lose Weight ? (The easy way)

The best effective weight loss plan: Eat what you want and lose weight!

We all had "losing weight" on the top of our new year resolutions list. The problem is that we start a diet or start excercising with good motivation and great hopes (sometimes unrealistic) and then it fades away with time.

You have to consider the time factor and reality, you didn't gain weight overnight. Decide to change your eating habits and lifestyle not only for a short time but fot the rest of your life. Fitness should be a part of your life. Also, don't cut all your calories at once so suddenly. Expect some setbacks and weakness moments you have and plan on losing weight on a long term basis and to live a healthier life. An option that has been proven to help in losing weight also is weight loss hypnosis which really helps in motivating yourself to lose weight.

Motivate yourself to excercise :

  • Choose a sport/activity you love. Any kind of sport, running or even walking.

  • Find someone to excercise with, someone you are comfortable with and who will encourage you.

  • Don't be hard on yourself. warm up and increase the excercise level gradually.

  • It will improve your health, burn fats and make you feel & look better.
More on : Motivation to exercise and lose weight.

Eat what you want! :

Starving yourself will only increase your hunger and will make you always thinking about food. And I don't mean to say that diets don't help. But it's not that easy for someone to sudenly deprive himself from calories and expect to lose weight quickly. The easy way to lose weight without having to restrict and cut all calories can be what's called : Fat binders.

They are natural and proved to help people lose weight effectively. Fat binders "bind" with the fat you eat making the fat molecules bigger and unabsorbable/indigestable. They will protect your body from excess fats and get rid of it for you!

They are natural products and medically proven to help people lose weight. One famous fat binder that has no known side effects is called : Proactol.

Wether you choose to reduce your daily fat & calories intake OR to use fat binders and eat normally, you should give your body sometime untill you see results. You can combine both methods (following a diet and using fat binders when you want to eat as you like or when you can't commit to the diet program.

Excercise is essential in all cases.

I wish best of the luck in the new year.
Best regards,

You can also check this site for more weight loss tips : How to lose weight.
Also check this: Benefits of Acai Berry products